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- Heldt, E. & Fioretos, O. (2019): Legacies and Innovations in Global Economic Governance since Bretton Woods, Review of International Political Economy 26(6): 1089-1111, doi.org/10.1080/09692290.2019.1635513.
- Heldt, E. & Schmidtke, H. (2019): Explaining coherence in international regime complexes: How the World Bank shapes the field of multilateral development finance, Review of International Political Economy 26(6): 1160-1186, doi.org/10.1080/09692290.2019.1631205.
- Heldt, E. & Mahrenbach, L.C. (2020): Reforming International Organizations: How Partisanship and Ministerial Control Shape States Preferences towards the World Bank, Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations (forthcoming).
- Heldt, E. and Schmidtke, H. (2019): Global Democracy in Decline? How Rising Authoritarianism limits Democratic Control over International Institutions, Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations 25(2): 231-254.
- Heldt, E. (2019): Time in Multilateral Negotiations and International Organizations in Time, in: Klaus H. Goetz (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190862084.013.12.
- Heldt, E. (2019): Contested EU trade governance: transparency conundrums in TTIP negotiations, Comparative European Politics 18(2): 215-232, doi.org/10.1057/s41295-019-00183-4.
- Heldt, E. & Mahrenbach, L.C. (2018): Rising Powers in Global Economic Governance: Mapping the Flexibility-Empowerment Nexus, Global Policy 10(1): 19-28, doi.org/10.1111/1758-5899.12643.
- Schmidtke, H. (2018): Elite Legitimation and Delegitimation of International Organizations in the Media: Patterns and Explanations. Review of International Organizations, doi.org/10.1007/s11558-018-9320-9.
- Heldt, E. (2018): European Policy Failure during the Refugee Crisis: Partial Empowerment, Reluctant Agents, a Cacophony of Voices, and Unilateral Action, EUI Working Papers RSCAS 2018/36.
- Heldt, E. (2018): Lost in internal evaluation? Accountability and insulation at the World Bank, Contemporary Politics (24)5, 568-587.
- Heldt, E. and Schmidtke, H. (2017): Measuring the Empowerment of International Organizations: The Evolution of Financial and Staff Capabilities, Global Policy 8 (S5): 51-61.
- Heldt, E. (2017): Shaping Global Trade Governance Rules: New Powers’ Hard and Soft Strategies of Influence at the WTO, European Foreign Affairs Review 22, Special Issue: 19–36.
- Heldt, E. (2017): Multiple Principals’ preferences, Types of Control Mechanisms, and Agent’s Discretion in Trade Negotiations, in Delreux, Tom and Adriaensen, Johan (eds.) The Principal Agent Model and the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan, 203-226.
- Heldt, E. (2017): Regaining Control of Errant Agents? Agency Slack at the European Commission and the World Health Organization, Cooperation and Conflict 25(4): 469-484.
- Conceição-Heldt, E. (2016): Why the European Commission is not the “unexpected winner” of the Euro Crisis: A Comment on Bauer and Becker, Journal of European Integration 38(1): 95-100.
- Conceição-Heldt, E. (2016): Verantwortungszurechnung im EU-Mehrebenensystem während der Eurokrise: Wer kontrollierte die Troika-Institutionen?, Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Sonderheft Gewaltenteilung und Demokratie in der EU 26(1): 115-29.
- Conceição-Heldt, E.; Bauer, M.W. and Ege, J. (2015): Autonomiekonzeptionen internationaler Organisationen im Vergleich, PVS Sonderheft 49 Internationale Organisationen: 28-53.
- Conceição-Heldt, E. (2014): When Speaking with a Single Voice Isn’t Enough: Bargaining Power (A)symmetry and EU External Effectiveness in Global Trade Governance, Journal of European Public Policy 21(7): 980-95.
- Conceição-Heldt, E. (2013): Emerging Powers in WTO Negotiations: The Domestic Sources of Trade Policy Preferences, The International Trade Journal 27(5): 431-49.